Every Girl Deserves a Luxurious

Bag in Her Lifetime

Boyi & co

Every Girl Deserves a Luxurious

Bag in Her Lifetime

Boyi & co

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Boyi & Co. is a Malaysian selling platform for second-hand luxury goods. We are committed to providing exceptional resale service and a wide variety of goods, also, offering a safe and secured shopping environment for you to buy, sell, and swap your used branded bags and other pre-loved luxury goods. Looking forward to having your first luxury designer bag? You’ve come to the right place! Boyi & Co. brings together the most fashionable brands allowing you to cross-shop thousands of luxury goods – all in one place.   

Style Is Forever

About Us

Boyi & Co. has been established for 10 years long offering more than 400,000 of luxury goods. We pride it on providing a superior level of authentication services and customer care. Also, 

we have dedicated luxury appraisers in Malaysia and China acting as appraisal consultants at luxury resale stores within and outside Malaysia to assist you with any enquiries.    

New Style


Every item listed on our site is inspected and verified by Boyi & Co. specialists. That way, you can trust you’re always receiving the most incredible luxury goods without worrying about being sent a fake.

Chosen by our experts for best quality in best price, all items sold at Boyi & Co. are available online and in our stores.

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The Shop

We’d love to share our stunning collection with you and help you find your perfect match – whether you’re coming to browse, want to take a closer look at a special piece or looking to sell or swap a luxury item. Shop now for your authentic pre-owned designer bags.

We’d love to share our stunning collection with you and help you find your perfect match – whether you’re coming to browse, want to take a closer look at a special piece or looking to sell or swap a luxury item. Shop now for your authentic pre-owned designer bags.

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The Shop

We Created

A New Brand


Boyi & Co. has been providing live auctions of authentic designer bags for a long time. You can bid for your dream bag at lowest price, also, draw designer gifts while watching the live broadcast!


Boyi & Co. specializes in acquiring firstline brands around the globe. We are professional and trustworthy to make a price quotation in line with market price for every fashion good sold to our platform.


Boyi & Co. offers brand valuation courses which is known as the first appraisal institute education programme in Malaysia. Grab a chance to turn your hobby into profession, and even open a way to be an entrepreneur!


The founder of Boyi & Co. is the first certified appraiser of Japanese and Chinese luxury goods in Malaysia. At least 50 items are authenticated by Boyi & Co. every day, with a total of 80,000+ items being authenticated for over 8 years.

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喜欢时尚的消费者不仅可以选择二手包包,还可以节省钱。无论是奢侈品牌包还是二手包,都可能因经常使用而磨损。适当的护理和保养可以延长二手包包的使用寿命,使它们保持如新。在本文中,我们将为您提供一些实用的二手包包护理和维护技巧。  1. 定期清洁,保持包包外观 清洁是保持二手包包良好外观的第一步。不同材质的包包需要不同的清洁方式: 2. 避免暴露在阳光下 阳光直射会使包包的颜色褪色,特别是皮革和布料的材质。为了防止褪色或干裂,尽量避免将包包长时间暴露在阳光下。如果需要晒干,建议将包包放在阴凉通风的地方,并避免高温。 3. 适当存放,保持形状 存放二手包包时,保持其形状是至关重要的。可以在包包内部放入包包填充物(如纸团、泡沫等),避免包包因压缩变形。对于较为昂贵的二手包包,最好使用防尘袋进行存放,以防止灰尘和污渍的积累。 4. 修复小损伤 如果二手包包出现轻微的划痕、裂痕或其他损伤,尽早修复非常重要。您可以寻求专业的修复服务,或购买修复工具进行简单修复。及时修复小问题可以避免更大的损伤,保持包包的外观和价值。 5. 定期检查五金配件 二手包包的五金配件(如拉链、扣子、锁扣等)容易出现松动或生锈的问题。定期检查并进行适当的保养。若出现问题,及时更换损坏的配件,以确保包包的使用安全和外观完整。 6. 避免过度负重 过度负重不仅会影响包包的形状,还可能导致包包的结构受损,尤其是手提包和肩包。在使用时,尽量避免超负荷装载,保持包包的轻便性和舒适性。 7. 使用专业护理产品 市场上有许多专门为二手包包设计的护理产品,例如皮革护理油、污渍去除剂、专业清洁剂等。使用这些产品可以帮助清洁、滋润和保护您的包包,延长使用寿命。 …

在当代流行文化中,二手包包变得时尚和方便。然而,真伪问题伴随而来,因此仔细学习如何区分二手包包的真实性至关重要。如果您想购买二手包包,以下是一些专业人士建议的建议。  1. 检查牌牌和制作标识 大部分名品包都有详细的牌牌和标识: 2. 识别材质 质量优秀的原料是名牌包的重要特德之一: 3. 检查重量和做工 名牌包通常重量适中,同时具有精工质感: 4. 通过官方源根检验 5. 委托二手包包资讯中心 如您没有时间根据资讯、和鉴实,考虑运用专业二手包包资讯中心: 结论:保证无缝购买二手包包之道 二手包包是时尚和环保的选择,但您需要足够多的信息和知识,以确保您购买的包是真的。在二手包包购买中取得成功的关键一步是选择 Boyi & Co 等可靠的二手包包服务商。

随着二手市场的兴起,二手包包不仅是购买的好选择,而且还可以转卖闲置的包包。如果您有闲置的包包想转卖,做好准备很重要。这将确保交易顺利、价格合理。为了让您的转售过程更容易,今天我们将详细介绍您在卖二手包包之前需要知道的所有重要信息。 1. 为什么卖二手包包是个好选择? 在家中存放闲置的包包不仅占用空间,还可能导致包包随着时间的推移而贬值。通过将不再使用的包包转售,你可以: 然而,要想顺利完成转售,以下几个关键步骤不容忽视。 2. 卖二手包包前需要做的准备工作 a. 评估包包的价值 包包的品牌、款式、状态和稀有性都会影响其二手市场的价格。以下是一些影响价格的因素: 建议先在市场上查看类似包款的价格,了解其大致市场价值。 b. 确保包包的状态良好 良好的外观是提升二手包包价值的重要因素。在转卖前,请确保: c. 准备充足的证明文件 在二手市场,正品证明对于买家非常重要。提供以下文件可以提升买家的信任度: 如果没有证明文件,建议选择可靠的平台进行专业鉴定。 3. 选择正确的出售平台 将二手包包卖给合适的买家,选择一个值得信赖的平台至关重要。以下是几种常见的转售方式及其优缺点: a. …

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Boyi & Co. is a Malaysian selling platform for second-hand luxury goods. We are committed to providing exceptional resale service and a wide variety of goods.

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